Four responses/discussion posts

DESCRIPTION OF THING -The photograph stands perched on top of a shelf in the living room. The gold frame has intricate

swirls around the frame that makes the photo stand out. The gold frame is hard to the touch. It feels like touching hard clay. The framing is a medium sized square to hold the perfect memory. Inside the frame is a picture of my dad and me. My dad is seen sitting on a light blue couch with dark blue pillows to match. My dad’s beaming smile is shown while he is holding my younger self in his arms. I am seen with half closed eyes. My dad had on a a black sweater and black pants to match. His dark course hair combed swiftly, and his beard has some stubble. I had on a bib and an all-white outfit with matching white socks. My younger self had a sleepy smile on my little face. I only had a little bit of hair. The white wall behind us contrasted his outfit. My little hands lifted in the air. The framed picture is the first thing that catches my eye when I walk past it. A lit pink candle is right next to the photo. The fire crackling is heard through everyone’s ears. This photo captures the perfect memory of my dad. The photo brings up many emotions. The feeling of nostalgia is felt. This single picture holds so much weight in my heart. It brings happiness but sadness since my dad is not here anymore. I always remembered that picture being in that frame for years. I always loved to look at it when I was younger. It brings me pure happiness to see that picture in that same spot. This picture was always special considering we were just spending time together. But now when I look at it, it is just a memory in time. It gets harder to see it every time I walk past it, but it also brings a sense of comfort to see a time where my dad was beaming with happiness. It is pretty hard to see it and realize that he isn’t here

anymore, but it is a good way to remember him. To keep his memory alive. It is the best thing to look at when I enter the living room. His face looked like a ray of sunshine. This framed picture is valuable to me. As time changes life keeps going. But this single picture in the gold frame will forever hold a place in my heart.

My favorite writing assignment would have to be when I read a book and got to continue the story from where it ended since I didn’t like the ending and expected something different so I rewrote the ending of We Have Always Lived in the Castle the way that I felt like they should of ended. I gave them Merrycat and her sister a happier ending. I think this assignment was very creative and got to use my imagination a lot. It was fun to write a novel ending as most english classes don’t really do that, it’s just mainly essays that we write. Qualities that make writing meaningful to me is the topic and how important it is to me like doing cancer research or even writing my feelings or anything about my life. I also liked the “description of a thing” assignment in this class as I got to be descriptive of something that meant a lot to me. I also love writing as well which made it even more fun. Writing about things that are important to you make writing more fun and make you not want procrastinate. I also think being creative like doing short stories is a  great way to allow yourself to think more deeply. I think things that are not meaningful is writing about something that is not interesting to me or just having to do an assignment to pass the class but it doesn’t have meaning to me. Like for example, in high school where we had to write essays and we were given an outline on how to write a essay just to get a good grade on an exam. I feel like that wasn’t a good way to learn, it felt very repetitive and felt like I wasn’t really learning something meaningful. It felt like I wasn’t going to write better essays this way it was just something engraved to remember to just pass a test. I think it didn’t allow me to be creative and get to write about things that were interesting to me. Whereas now and in this class we all get a change to choose important topics and do research on it. We get to be creative and get to choose important topics that make us want to keep writing. I think that’s a good thing considering most english classes make you just do what they wrote on the syllabus and it is not very engaging or fun to learn at all. 

“How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution,” is mainly about how beauty standards has changed scientifically. The author started with the male flame bower bird and explained how it is beautiful and how it behaves around females. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution makes the reader understand more clearly. The author also likes to bring up Charles Darwin’s points on natural selection and how biologist are rewiring his points on how beauty is evolved. The author gives examples on how animals find certain feature to be appealing to their eye. For example, the author states “Perhaps the initial attraction was purely utilitarian: the promise of fruit or grain.

The author gives another great example with how flowers are attractive to the eye and captivated to heir color or aroma and adopted to flowering pants more. The quote also lets the audience know that flowers are beautiful.  Overall the author made great points of beauty evolving like with the flowers. The author also used language that is very easy to understand and make points about how different everyone overall sees beauty. Hence beauty is evolving, everyone sees beauty in a different light. This gives me ideas for my own writing because then I can talk about other people who have knowledge on my research topic. I can add in quotes, data and even statistics on people who have done their research on cancer and anxiety. I can also add how some scientist think on the topic and their theories with this specific topic. 

I choose Mother tongue because I think it was a very interesting reading from the start. It had an interesting hook and I made me want to read more. I liked how the author connected with the reader and spoke about language. Language is a very important factor in the world and she showed that in her stories about her mother’s language and how she spoke. I think I connected with the author when she spoke about her mother’s english, my grandma didn’t speak the “best” english but she still got her point across and I would always help her if she needed to go out. When she said she helped her mother at the hospital because she spoke perfect english was very eye opening to me and was just very relatable because of encounters in my own family. I related to the author a lot and it made me feel engaged. I like how the author ended the essay on her mothers word, it was heartwarming. I think this essay makes me reflect on what I can work on in my essays to have that easy going flow and engaging essay that reels the reader in. I could work on my writing by not writing so restricted and more freely so I can have that flow when someone reads it. I think I can also work on my words, I usually just write what I think sounds good but I want the language to be understandable and relatable to the audience.